Compliance Officer

Job Title: Compliance Officer 

Job code: VI-HR-REC-2023-51

Workplace: Gaziantep

Last date for receiving applications: 24.05.2024

Job Purpose

The Compliance Officer will serve as the focal point in Award & Compliance department.
S/he will be responsible to ensure effective and efficient management of Compliance administration and to ensure flexible, innovative, and rapid-response mechanisms are designed to target key zones.

S/he will also ensure that the Award & Compliance Management is always in Compliance with Violet and partners policies and procedures.

Key Responsibilities

A. Ensure adherence to the standard of Violet procedures and policies in relation to Logistics, Finance, HR
and Programmes
B. Oversee the development of training materials in relation to Award & Compliance and conducting the trainings that related with Award & Compliance department (e.g. Violet policies, anti-terrorism and sanctions checking, Fraud and corruption policy, etc.) and ensure that the materials are relevant to the context. Make recommendations for the types of training materials that need to be developed and the best mechanism for those (e.g. online, face-to-face workshops, etc.).
C. Conducting a ATS check for the banks and financial institutions that the organization will deal with, and for current and potential partners, donors and members of the board of directors.
D. Follow up on complaints received by the Award & Compliance Department, collect information about them, and update their tracking schedule, and Follow up the issues that require investigation according to the instructions of the Award & Compliance manager.
E. Conducting an internal review of procurement processes prior to concluding contracts with suppliers and prior to making the payment process to ensure Award & Compliance with the organization’s policies and procedures and the requirements of donors and partners.
F. Leading external audits of projects by conducting an internal review of project documents for all departments of the organization.
G. Follow-up and update the schedule for tracking the external audit observations of the projects and inform the project contact points of the observations and work to avoid them in the future in cooperation with the Award & Compliance Manager and concerned departments.
H. Follow-up and coordination with the concerned departments to archive all supporting documents related to projects (archiving original and electronic documents and external audit reports for each project) in addition to following up on archiving investigation cases that were implemented by the Award & Compliance Department.
I. Supervising on:
– Competitive analysis of bids received from exhibitors

– Oral interviews with applicants for vacancies announced by the organization.

– As a supervisory member and monitor to ensure the quality assurance of procurement and recruitment processes, based on a formal assignment by the Award & Compliance Manager.

– Any other duties as requested by Award & Compliance Manager.

J. Commitment to the path and values of the organization (Faith in youth and volunteers, Integrity and honesty, sacrifice and altruism, teamwork and team spirit, innovation and creativity, elegance handling and patient dignity, responsiveness and initiative).

K. Respect and apply all the PSEA and CP principles, and show high commitment to report any PSEA action

Note: the above-mentioned vital responsibilities/accountabilities are illustrative ones. Depending on the department’s organizational chart, other future responsibilities/accountabilities may be assigned to the job.

Qualification (Education/Work Experience)


Bachelor’s Degree in business administration, Law, or related fields.

2-year experience with Award & Compliance, Internal Audit, Finance, Legal sectors.

Very Good in English and Turkish language. Arabic is the mother tongue


Advanced degree in relevant field.

More than Two years of experience in non-profit governance, Award & Compliance, Internal

Audit, Finance, and Legal sectors.

Core & Managerial Competencies &Technical

A. Core Competencies


Planning and Organizing.

Commitment to Continues Leading.

Stakeholders Orientation.


Technological Awareness.

B. Supervisor/Managerial Competencies

Empowering Others.

Building Trust.

Managing Performance.




C. Technical Competencies

Computer skills (Microsoft Word, Excel, Access, PowerPoint, Outlook)

Experience in working with NGOs, INGo

 Flexibility and ability to work under pressure.

Excellent oral and written communication skills.

Well-organized and able to act in a professional and ethical manner.

Child Protection Policy

Child abuse is unacceptable to Violet, which recognizes its responsibility to protect children from harm in all areas of its work. Violet is committed to ensuring a child-safe environment and is applying a zero-tolerance approach toward any kind of child abuse and exploitation.

Discrimination, Abuse, and Harassment Policy

Violet expressly prohibits and will not tolerate any form of discrimination, abuse, or harassment (sexual or otherwise), based on race, ethnicity, religion, national origin, gender, age, sexual orientation, marital status, citizenship status, disability, or military status. Violet employees and related personnel must under no circumstances participate in any form of discrimination, harassment, or abuse (physical, sexual, or verbal), intimidation or exploitation, or in any other way infringe the rights of others inside or outside Violet.


Interested candidates, please attach a Curriculum Vitae in English and a Cover letter (in a separate file of no more than one A4 page) describing how your skills and experience match the requirements of this post.

Applications in languages other than English will not be reviewed:

Only short-listed candidates will be contacted.


Step 1 of 5

لمحة عن بنفسج

مع بداية الصراع السوري وتردي الوضع الإنساني في 2011 كانت انطلاقة الاستجابة الانسانية ضرورية جدا لتغيير الواقع المأساوي الحاصل في سوريا الذي استمر بالتدهور على كافة المستويات. لذلك انطلق عدد من الشباب التطوعي الطامح للعمل بشكل عفوي وتطوعي وذلك بالتركيز بداية الأمر على الدعم بالمواد الغذائية وجمع بعض المواد النقدية والعينية من أجل توزيعها للناس المتضررين من الصراع. تم تأسيس اول مكتب في مدينة ادلب ثم نقل هذا المكتب إلى الريف المجاور بعد سيطرة النظام على مدينة ادلب. بدأ العمل بالتوسع لاحقا ليشمل الريف والمدينة. في تركيا, بدأت بنفسج بمساعدة اللاجئين خارج المخيمات ومساعدة المصابين من خلال إنشاء مراكز استشفاء وتقديم المعالجة الفيزيائية لهم. إضافة لذلك, قامت بنفسج بانشاء مركز طبي لتقديم الرعاية الصحية للسوريين مجانا. تعمل بنفسج في معظم القطاعات الإنسانية: الأمن الغذائي وسبل المعيشة، المواد غير الغذائية والملجأ, الصحة والتعليم وتنسيق وادارة المخيمات والحماية. بدأ العمل بتوزيع المواد الغذائية وتجهيز مراكز الإيواء للناس النازحين من مناطقهم بسبب الإشتباكات، لكن مع طول فترة الصراع وبقاء الناس في أماكنهم لفترات زمنية طويلة فكان لابد من بنفسج أن تباشر بتنفيذ مشاريع بعيدة المدى في القطاع الصحي والتعليمي في كامل محافظة إدلب، ولمواكبة أفضل التطورات عملت بنفسج على تاسيس وتطوير بنيتها التنظيمية لتنطلق رسميا كمنظمة مسجلة في تركيا في 2014. ووفقا لذلك, قامت بنفسج بتقسيم عملها إلى قطاعات أساسية ووضعت البنية الهيكلية المناسبة لكل الأقسام والموظفين.

المعلومات الشخصية / Personal Information

يرجى التأكد من الكتابة كما هو مدون تماماً في وثيقة إثبات الشخصية.
يرجى التأكد من الكتابة كما هو مدون تماماً في وثيقة إثبات الشخصية.
يرجى التأكد من الكتابة كما هو مدون تماماً في وثيقة إثبات الشخصية.
التنسيق المعتمد هو : يوم - شهر - سنة
الرجاء التأكد من استخدام رقم هاتف صالح